Wolf Moon
Hello 2019!
At the risk of sounding woo-woo, how exciting that this year should begin with two lunar eclipses? Today is the Wolf Moon. A good time to let go, reflect and tap into the elemental energy of this shiny luminous rock in the sky. I found myself staring at the moon from my window, soaking in its beauty and welcoming the changes that 2019 will bring. I don't believe in astrology, don't worry. But I found it interesting that such astronomical events should kick off the year where I resolved to strengthen the relationship between myself and the environment.
I am excited for this new year. Here's to a year that:
- sees us mobilise to protect our Earth and Oceans, with wins for the planet at every level;
- brings us closer to the person we're meant to be by inspiring us to explore and unleash our potential; and
- gives us the strength to let go of mediocre relationships, dead-end jobs, empty friendships, worn-out routines...
- ... so that it brings in the love that we deserve, the drive to find and follow our purpose in life, and a cast of supportive individuals who add value to our lives.
Happy 2019!