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(Thank you Slava for this amazing shot).

This blog started out as an expression of gratitude to the Shapers who have touched my life in one way or the other ... But if I mentioned them all this list would get too long.

My life changed in April 2012. Out of the blue, I received an email informing me that the World Economic Forum had set up something called the 'Global Shapers Community', whether I'd be interested in joining the chapter in Mauritius.

I said yes.

Let's meet.

Probably that 'yes' would be the most meaningful one in my life (who cares about marriage proposals anyway) and the meeting with the founding Curator would be the most important "date".

Because on that day, I found my tribe: a community of purpose. A community of young people fired up with the desire to 'make the world a better place'. The Shapers are a global network of young people, and joining them felt like stepping out in the world and seeing it for what it was worth for the first time. Today, I believe every young person should find, and join, a network. We can't afford not to.

By joining the Community I grew as a person and I extended my family - to a 6000-strong horde of doers, shakers, movers, dreamers, disrupters. I felt at home in every city where there was a Hub because I knew the Shapers were a mere post away.

They stepped in when I needed practical advice on projects. They stepped in when I needed to brainstorm major life changes. They stepped in to nurse my broken heart and keep me going through grief. They opened their homes and hearts to me. They shared their energy, love, joy, determination, knowledge and courage.

Being part of the Mauritius chapter was its own learning curve. Building a new team from scratch, identifying a new model for flat leadership, navigating challenges, curating and connecting - all of these gave me a sense of responsibility and ownership which fed my growth process.

I cried at the close of the Annual Meeting, Davos. Finding myself among global leaders, I found my voice, told my story, was listened to.

A powerful moment was at the Annual Curators' Meeting. The impossible energy of 300 people bringing together their focus for a global vision manifested itself in a throbbing drumming session at the close. Every beat of the drum was an ode to optimism, determination and action for the future.

The other moment was at the close of SHAPE Africa - the meeting we hosted, welcoming Shapers from around the world to our island. Nervous, we all stood together for the 'pinning' ceremony where a member of the Shapers' Geneva team pins you down with a Shapers badge, in front of everyone. It was a tear-jerking moment.

So yes, I think the best thing a young person can do is to find - and invest in - a tribe, a community. I found the Shapers ( and later One Young World ambassadors - more on that in a different post). The importance of inspiration cannot be underestimated. The sheer avalanche of ideas that I've been part of has enriched me beyond measure - and it still is.

In short, what joining a network does:

1. You meet people who inspire and challenge you;

2. You work through your fears and vulnerabilities;

3. You begin networking in a safe space (before being unleashed onto older people);

4. You expand your leadership, professional and emotional horizons;

5. You embrace diversity and the wealth of ideas and possibilities that it brings with you.

My happy Shaper song, courtesy of the incredibly talented Luigi.

Oh and, some shit pics of ACM13, because ACM17 is coming up now and well, FOMO.

More than ever, we need connections built on purpose. We need to be able to tackle global challenges, collectively.



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